How to control on handjob? asked 8 years ago

how to control on handjob? if it is converts in daily habbits.

1 उत्तर
Answer for About handjob answered 8 years ago

I hope you are referring to masturbation. Let’s make it clear that the desire or wish of having pleasure, may it be physical or intellectual or sexual, is a very natural need of a human being. Masturbation is a way of giving pleasure to or making love with oneself. That is perfectly normal plus safe also. So there is no need of ‘controlling’ it as such, even if you are doing it every day. That will not hurt you or shrink, diminish anything in you.
But as you have rightly expressed if it is becoming an addiction or a habit or if it is becoming difficult to avoid the thoughts of it while you are busy in your studies, work or in other important routine activities then it is a problem. Any addiction is not good if it takes toll on your physical or mental health. If it is so avoid it, get yourself busy in other meaningful activities such as reading, be with your friends or family or whatever you love to do or be with. Look, masturbating is in fact an act which gives you pleasure but also tires you. Our body is not a machine. Machines also stop working after a point. So take it easy and chill. Go out, take a break…
Here is a link, you will find it useful.
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