प्रश्नोत्तरेCategory: Public Questionsis watching femdom movies natural?

i am 20 years old boy..addicted to watch femdom movies..is it danger for my future sex life?

1 उत्तर

Being addicted to anything is not good. So if you are addicted to watching porn, then take steps to reduce your porn use and time. Regarding femdom movies, they are mainly based on four ideas – BDSM, Bondage and Domination, Sadism and Masochism. As you know these are sexual fantasies where either of the partner is kept in bondage or in a relationship based on domination. Sadism and Masochism also uses domination or torture in some form or the other. If you like to watch it, there is no one stopping you. But if you reflect upon the ideas of sexuality, relationships in these kind of sex and notions of macsulinity, then there can be a problem.  Bondage and slavery have been true history for many women and men. They are not pure fantasies. These have roots in subordinations of entire communities by rich and powerful. Read more about history of BDSM and you will understand the politics and history of these acts.
Porn films do affect how you look at sex and it can distort your ideas of sexual relations. Sex is an act of consent and it should be pleasurable for both the partners. What you do in your bed is between you and your partner. But if you want to play out all these fantasies without the consent of your partner, then you are committing violence. Please be aware of that. 
You are 20. It is an age where you can explore ideas, notions of sex and also of what gives you pleasure. Pleas do not let it overpower you and trap you. free yourself from addiction. Sex will happen when it is to happen. 
To read a different perspective on Pornography, please look for Gail Dines and read her work. Let us know what you feel. 

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